HR Framework

This screen reflects all the entries created in the various tables in HR3's payroll via HR | HR Framework. In all but one of these tabs you may add new entries, or edit existing entries in HR3's kiosk module, and these changes will subsequently appear in HR3 payroll.

There are nine tabs dealing with different processes:








Online Actions Framework


When your company deals with another company, it is useful to add it as an 'institution' in either kiosk or payroll. Then their record can be referenced from other areas, without having to re-enter their details. For example, you may have a preferred training provider that you create as an entry in Institutions. This company can then be included as part of the details for a new training course.

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can add institutions in kiosk via Management | HR Framework | Institutions. Note that the contents of this tab are the same as System Options - Companies. A user may have permissions to view System Options - Companies, but they do not automatically include permissions to view the rest of HR Framework.

Add a new institution (company)

  • Click Add Company and complete the details for the new company, then click Update.
  • When a Company is created in HR3people, rather than in HR3 payroll, this will show the date it was created in the Created column.

Edit an existing institution (company)

  • To edit any of the companies (or 'institutions') click the Update button to the left of the company name.
  • This displays a panel beneath the company list where you can update a range of information.

Note: Actions and Documents are not currently operational functions.

  • The columns to the right indicate how many instances of address, contacts, email address, tasks, phone numbers, and documents are associated with each company.
  • Once you have made the required changes, click Update. These changes will be reflected automatically in HR3 payroll.


This is a Viewable table only.


This tab contains two sections - Position Title and Job Class - which reflect the Position Title and Position Class tables in payroll | HR | HR Framework. Use the Add or Edit buttons as necessary. Any changes you make here will be applied in payroll automatically.


This tab contains three sections - Training Courses, Training Type and Training Result. These reflect the tables with the same names in HR3 payroll via HR | HR Framework. Use the Add or Edit buttons as necessary. Any changes you make here will be applied in HR3pay automatically.


This tab contains two sections - Skills and Skill Type - which reflect the tables with the same names in HR3 payroll via HR | HR Framework. Use the Add or Edit buttons as necessary. Any changes you make here will be applied in HR3 payroll automatically.


This tab contains two sections - Events and Event Types - which reflect the tables with the same names in HR3 payroll via HR | HR Framework. Use the Add or Edit buttons as necessary. Any changes you make here will be applied in HR3 payroll automatically.


This tab contains two sections - Property and Property Type- which reflect the tables with the same names in HR3 payroll via HR | HR Framework. Use the Add or Edit buttons as necessary. Any changes you make here will be applied in HR3 payroll automatically.


This tab contains two sections - Workflow Administrator and Workflows.

Workflow Approvers displays details from HR3 payroll via Payroll | Payroll Framework | Validation Tables | Workflow Approvers.

Workflows provides an amalgamation of data and provides a detailed summary of the workflow information per employee. Click the Edit button if you need to make changes to these workflows. See Workflows for more information on setting these up.

Online Actions Framework

This tab contains three sections - Group, Element, and Linked Employees - and these are solely applicable to HR3's kiosk module, not payroll. See Online Actions Framework for information on these sections and how to configure them.